This tool utilizes your measurements to calculate an estimate of the amount of fat present in the body relative to your total body weight.

The best methods for calculating your exact percentage of body fat remain the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan and underwater weighing.

Your body fat estimate is ${Math.round(result)}$%.

The healthy range of body fat percentage are as follows

  • For men

    • Essential fat: 2-5%
    • Athletes: 6-13%
    • Fitness: 14-17%
    • Average: 18-24%
    • Obese: 25% or higher
  • For women

    • Essential fat: 10-13%
    • Athletes: 14-20%
    • Fitness: 21-24%
    • Average: 25-31%
    • Obese: 32% or higher

These are only estimates and should not be taken as the end-all, be-all. Talk with your provider about steps you can take to get back on track if you aren't already.